
Sunday, November 14, 2010


One of my favorite things about being a Library Teacher at McDevitt Middle School is the range of opportunity when working with teachers throughout the day and every day.  Last week, 6th-grade social studies teacher Jessica Lamothe and I collaborated on a fantastic 2-day research project about Ziggurats.  This project was great for a lot of reasons.  You can read more about that on the McDevitt Library: One Month at a Time Wiki.

When I meet with teachers to plan a project in the library, the challenge of exit tickets always comes up.  What should we do?  How much time should we take to do it?  What will we do with the information once we have it?  To me, these challenges are opportunities.  I love trying out new technology tools in the classroom and this time I met the exit ticket dilemma with an e-ticket solution.

Yes, an e-ticket.  Rather than handing out paper, students answered their exit question on wallwisher.  Wallwisher is an online notice board maker and true to it's claim, it is "easy, effective, and intuitive".  It's also fun!  Students were directed to the Wallwisher link I created and asked to answer the question posted on the wall: Please type one fact you learned today about Ziggurats.  I had the web site projected on our Smart Board and students were able to watch their wall grow, and grow, and grow some more.  Wow!  Great answers! Great wall!    

How do you handle exit tickets in your classroom?

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